From building a new dwelling, to undertaking a large-scale subdivision, navigating planning provisions can be a challenging task. LandPlay can guide you through the planning process and work with you to prepare a strategy.
We are experienced in preparing a wide range of District and Regional resource consent applications, attending hearings, and presenting expert evidence.
Our services include:
- Land Use Applications
- Subdivision Applications
- Outline Plans
- Certificate of Compliance
- Plan Change Requests
- Gravel Extraction Applications
- Stormwater Discharge Applications
- Wastewater Discharge Applications
- Surface Water and Groundwater Permits
- Other Regulatory Consent Applications including Department of Conservation (DOC) concessions, Licence to Occupy from District Council or leases and licences from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
- Submissions on District and Regional Plan Reviews, Long Term Plans and new Legislation.